Carved wood chairn with high quality material these are really nice only 4 left
price : €250
This item is in the warehouse
You will have to call us first on 0866050900 as it is a warehouse that is not open all the time. We arrange a time for customers to come and look.
Or you can whats app me on 0866050900 and i can do videos back of the warehouse…or shop
Here is the eir code D15NW82
We are in Blanchardstown in Dublin…You will have to call us first on 0866050900 as it is a warehouse that is not open all the time.
We arrange a time for customers to come and look at items and normally try to meet one customer so they have our full attention. Only 2 kilometers from Avoca Handweavers.
Renaissance Antique Furniture and Lighting Warehouse Dublin Ireland